was launched

August 4, 2007

We have a log cabin in Greene County, Virginia. The theme of the cabin's decoration is the Bern bear heraldic symbol of the canton and city of Bern, Switzerland. If you like Switzerland and particularly the Bernese Oberland, you might wish to visit my website at GRUETZI.COM.

Below you will find photos of decorative objects which feature the Bern bear - flags, shooting medals, plaques, plates, cookie molds. All show descriptive text when you hold the mouse over them.

Photo: Bern Bear anise cookie molds.

Photo: Bern Bear paper lantern.

Photo: Bern Bear Gurten Bier (beer) barrel end (Fassboden) sign.

Photo: Bern Bear on stained glass shooting match award.

Photo: Bern Bear on carved wooden plaque.

Photo: Bern Bear on embroidered pennant.

Photo: Bern Bear on pewter (Zinn) plate from 1929 Bern dog show (Hundeaustellung)

Photo: Zweisimmen Bern Bear on pewter (Zinn) plate from 1956 'Tribes-Show' (Staemme-Schau), whatever that was.

Photo: Bern Bear on pewter (Zinn) plate from 1955 Bern trade show (Gewerbekasse in Bern).

Photo: Zweisimmen Bern Bear (left) and Bern Bear (right) on leather cow bell strap decorations.

Photo: Bern Bear on flag of Canton Bern.

Photo: Bern Bear on flag of Canton Bern.

Photo: Bern Bear on very old flag of Canton Bern.

Photo: Bern Bear on modern flag of Canton Bern.

Photo: Bern Bear on 1921 Pro Juventute Helvetia plaque. Stamps were issued (semi-postal) which cost more than face value, the rest going to charities such as Pro Juventute. The image on this plaque is found on a 1921 Swiss 20+20 denomination stamp.

Photo: Bern Bear on 1949 pewter (Zinn) shooting club plate.

Photo: Bern Bear on etched glass with Swiss German rhyme 'Der Berner-Mutz, dem Freund zum Nutz, dem Feind zum Trutz, der Stadt zum Schutz.', which means 'The Bern Bear, the friend of those in need, enemy of (evildoers), the city that protects.'

Photo: Bern Bear on 1930 pewter (Zinn) shooting match plate.

Photo: Bern Bear on 1936 pewter (Zinn) shooting match plate.

Photo: Detail of above Bern Bear on 1936 pewter (Zinn) shooting match plate.

Photo: Bern Bear weathervane.

Photo: Bern Bear on shooting medals.

Photo: Bern Bear on shooting medals.

Photo: Bern Bear on shooting medal.

Photo: Bern Bear on shooting medal.

Photo: Bern Bear on shooting medal and hiking medal.

Photo: Bern Bear on on pewter (Zinn) plaque award, 2nd place, sports day, Bolligen, 1976.

Photo: Bern Bear on shooting medals.

Photo: Bern Bear on shooting medal and 1957 bowling medal.

--Ralph Walker, Arlington, Virginia, USA

To contact me please send me e-mail.

This web site was last updated 9/15/2012.

Links to all my websites: Marusho and Lilac Motorcycles from Japan 1951-1967.
1919 Sunbeam Motorcycle: Notes about and photos of my Sunbeam, which was sold in 2004.
1955 Victoria Bergmeister Motorcycle: Notes about and photos of my Victoria, which was sold in 2005.
1980 Honda Trail CT110 Motorcycle: Notes about and photos of my Honda, which was sold in 2008.
Ruckus Clones: Comparison photos of the Honda Ruckus and Honda Big Ruckus with the Chinese copies. Photos of Switzerland, with an emphasis on transport. Photos of the MOB (Montreux Oberland Bernois) narrow gauge railway in Switzerland, plus information on G (garden) gauge model railroad projects of mine.
Schau.Biz: Swiss shooting medals, beer coasters, etc. for sale. Our log cabin in Greene County, Virginia, and examples of the use of the Bern Bear heraldic symbol on decorative objects. At the moment this site is being used to describe a rare book for sale for $2000, namely, the Numbered (154 of 600) 1928 first edition of Marco Polo's Il Milione, edited by Olschki in Italy.
"Lake" Applet Images: Animated water scenes using the 'Lake' Java applet.